Index of values

aPostAsm [GenericAbstract]
Generic forward non-relational abstract interpretation of ASM statements stat The statement which is currently read, shouldGoBackOnJmp Is the statement read in a branch which has not been read before, f A reference to the set of the C functions, callStack The call stack, stack The memory stack, env The environment, context The context
aPostAsmBlock [GenericAbstract]
Generic forward non-relational abstract interpretation of ASM blocks pre_loc The entry location of block, block The block of ASM statement to read, shouldGoBackOnJmp Is the statement read in a branch which has not been read before, f A reference to the set of C functions, callStack The call stack, stack The memory stack, env The environment, context The context
aPostC [GenericAbstract]
Generic forward non-relational abstract interpretation of C statements stat The C statement, shouldGoBackOnJmp Is the statement read in a branch which has not been read before, f A reference to the C functions, callStack The call stack, lastAsmStack The stack state of the last ASM statement, env The environment, context The context
aPostCBlock [GenericAbstract]
Generic forward non-relational abstract interpretation of C blocks program The block of C statements, shouldGoBackOnJmp Is the statement read in a branch which has not been read before, f A reference to the C functions, callStack The call stack, lastAsmStack The stack state of the last ASM statement, env The environment, context The context
aPostGlobalC [GenericAbstract]
Generic forward non-relational abstract interpretation of global statement pre_loc The location before the global statement, stat The global statement, post_loc The location after the global statement, f A reference to the set of C functions, env The environement, context The context
aPostProgram [GenericAbstract]
Generic foward non-relational abstract interpretation of a block of global statements pre_loc The location before the first global statement of the block, program The block of global statements, f A reference to the set of C functions, env The environment, context The context
abexp [GenericAbstract]
Generic abstract interpretation of boolean expression b The boolean expression, context The context, env The environment, perhaps it will be modified
abexpArithBin [SpecificAbstract]
Specific abstract interpretation of binary boolean operators with arithmetics operands a1 The abstract domain of the first operand, op The arithmetic to boolean binary operator, a2 The abstract domain of the second operand
abexpBoolBin [GenericAbstract]
Generic abstract interpretation of binary boolean operators env1 The possible environment in which the first operand is satisfied, context1IsBot Is the context associated to env1 bottom, op The binary boolean operator, env2 The possible environment in which the second operand is satisfied, context2IsBot Is the context associated to env2 bottom
abstrD2string [Debug]
Deserialize an abstract domain value The abstract domain
abstrMax [Types]
Maximum number
abstrMin [Types]
Minimum number
abstrTop [Types]
Top element of the abstract domains
addLocationsProgram [Utils]
Adds locations to an unlocated program program The unlocated program
addVarToContext [GenericAbstract]
Adds an undefined variable to a context and returns the new context vn The name of the variable, value The value of the variable that we want to set, env The environment, context The context
alpha [SpecificAbstract]
Abstraction of a real element real_elem The real element
analyseProgram [Analysis]
Analyse a program and write results of this analysis or exceptions encountered l The initial location of program, program The program already located to analyse
areEnvironmentEqual [GenericAbstract]
Test equality of two environments e1 The first environment, e2 The second environment
args2string [Debug]
Deserialize arguments of a C function (which is a list of arithmetic expressions) args The arguments
args_def2string [Debug]
Deserialize definition of arguments of a C function args The definition of the arguments
arith_expr2string [Debug]
Deserialize arithmetic expressions a The arithmetic expression
arith_expr_needs_parenthesis [Debug]
Remove sometimes some parenthesis a An arithmetic expression
asm_expr2string [Debug]
Deserialize ASM expression ae The ASM expression

baexp [GenericAbstract]
Backward abstract semantics of arithmetic expressions a An arithmetic expression, context The context in which the arithmetic expression is performed, p The domain in which the evaluation of the arithmetic expression has to be, env The environment in which the arithmetic expression is performed, perhaps it will be modified
baexpBin [SpecificAbstract]
Backward abstract semantics of arithmetic binary operators a1 The abstract domain of the first operand, op The arithmetic to boolean binary operator, a2 The abstract domain of the second operand, p The abstract domain in which we want the result of the operation
baexpUna [SpecificAbstract]
Backward abstract semantics of arithmetic unary operators op The arithmetic unary operator, a The abstract domain of the operand, p The abstract domain in which we want the result of the operation
block_c2string [Debug]
Deserialize block of C statements stat The block of C statements
bool_expr2string [Debug]
Deserialize boolean expressions b The boolean expression

contextMerge [GenericAbstract]
Merge two contexts by returning the variables which are both represented by the same ids.

eax_reg [SpecialVariables]
Variable name of the register EAX
ebx_reg [SpecialVariables]
Variable name of the register EBX
ecx_reg [SpecialVariables]
Variable name of the register ECX
edx_reg [SpecialVariables]
Variable name of the register EDX
environmentJoin [GenericAbstract]
Joins two environment by joining all the ids.
environmentMeet [GenericAbstract]
Meet two environment by meeting all the ids.
exception_type2string [Exceptions]
Give the description of each exception type t The type of the exception
exceptions [Exceptions]
The list of the current exceptions

faexp [GenericAbstract]
Forward abstract semantics of arithmetic expressions a An arithmetic expression, context The context in which the arithmetic expression is performed, env The environment in which the arithmetic expression is performed, perhaps it will be modified
faexpBin [SpecificAbstract]
Forward abstract semantics of arithmetic binary operators a1 The abstract domain of the first operand, op The arithmetic binary operator, a2 The abstract domain of the second operand
faexpUna [SpecificAbstract]
Forward abstract semantics of arithmetic unary operators op The arithmetic unary operator, a The abstract domain of the operand
forgetNewVariables [GenericAbstract]
Remove from the environment the variables which have been added in the newContext.

getAsmValue [GenericAbstract]
Get the abstract interpretation of an ASM expression ae The ASM expression, context The context, env The environment
getLastFunction [GenericAbstract]
Get the C function in which a location is l The location, f The reference to the set of the C functions which are known
getLocationNumber [Utils]
Return the number associated to a location l The location
getRegNameVar [Utils]
Return the variable name of a register reg The register
getVar [GenericAbstract]
Return a variable at a location in an environment context The context in which vn is, vn The name of the variable, env The environment in which the variable will be searched
global_statement2string [Debug]
Deserialize global statements stat The global statement

handleException [Exceptions]
Handle an exception and print the associated error exception The exception
handleExceptions [Exceptions]
Handle every exception in chronological order

initFunction [GenericAbstract]
Initialize the call stack in order to prepare it before the call of a function cCall Is it a call to a C function (respectively ASM function), callStack A reference to the call stack
invMax [Utils]
Returns the inverse of the maximum where a et b are already inversed a 1/c, b 1/d
invMin [Utils]
Returns the inverse of the minimum where a et b are already inversed a 1/c, b 1/d
isInAbstractDomain [SpecificAbstract]
Return true iff n is the abstract domain p.
is_register [SpecialVariables]
Is a variable name a register's one vn The name of the variable

join [SpecificAbstract]
Joins two abstract domains a1 The first abstract domain, a2 The second abstract domain
joinMemoryStack [GenericAbstract]
Join the abstract values of two memory stacks s1 The first memory stack, s2 The second memory stack

labels [Types]
Map which associates all the labels which have been encountered with their locations
lastStat [SpecificAbstract]
Last statement read.
lastStat [Analysis]
Analyse a program and write results of this analysis or exceptions encountered l The initial location of program, program The program already located to analyse
lfp [GenericAbstract]
Calculates the least fixpoint of env by the function e1 env The initial environment, e1 The function to apply on the environment until we have a fixpoint (or an over-approximation of it if we use a widening function), context The initial context, lastStack The initial memory stack
loc2string [Debug]
Deserialize location l The location

main [Analyser]
Entry point of the program.
matchAsmArgs [GenericAbstract]
Adds the arguments from a memory stack to a context by a C function's definition context The context, args_def_reversed The definition of the arguments that the C function is waiting for, stack The memory stack, env The environment
matchCArgs [GenericAbstract]
Add the abstract interpretation of a list of variables by the definition of a C function args_def The definition of the arguments of a C function, args The list of the arithmetic expressions provided, contextToEnhance The context to update, context The context in which the arithmetic expression will be evaluated, env The environment in which the arithmetic expression will be evaluated and which will be enhanced with the new variables
meet [SpecificAbstract]
Meets two abstract domains a1 The first abstract domain, a2 The second abstract domain
minmax [Utils]
Return the minimum and the maximum of a list.

notBoolExpr [Utils]
Apply the not function to a boolean b The initial boolean expression

postlude_asm [GenericAbstract]
Remove the registers from a context and in the associated environment after an ASM block context The context
prelude_asm [GenericAbstract]
Add registers to the context context The context before the ASM block, env The environment which will be modified
print_callStack [Debug]
Print a deserialized version of a call stack stack The reference to a call stack, env The environment
print_context [Debug]
Print a deserialized version of a context context The context, env The environment
print_environment [Debug]
Print a deserialized version of an environment env The environment
print_memoryStack [Debug]
Print a deserialized version of a memory stack stack The memory stack
program2string [Debug]
Deserialize located programs l The entry point of program, program The C program with inline assembly
ptrVar2string [Debug]
Deserialize a pointer variable v The pointer variable

raiseException [Exceptions]
Raise an exception t The type of the exception, generic_stat The located statement in which the exception has been raised
raiseReturn [GenericAbstract]
Raise a return (called by return/ret statement), join the return code, the return context, the return environment and the memory stack with the last ones saved cCall Is the statement which calls it a return (respectively ret), addReturnPossibility Do we have to wait for another return/ret, returnCode The code that has been returned, returnContext The context that has been returned, returnEnv The environment that has been returned, callStack A reference to the actual call stack, stack The memory stack to return
reg2string [Debug]
Deserialize register reg The register
removeCVariables [Utils]
Remove the C variables from a context.
removeLabelsProgram [Utils]
Remove the labels of the program and replace them by the locations associated program The located program
reset_registers [GenericAbstract]
Reset the value of all registers except EAX which is replaced by a specified value context The context, env The environment which will be modified, eax_value The new value of EAX

setRegisters [GenericAbstract]
Replace the registers of a context by the registers of another one c1 The context in which the registers will be changed, c2 The context from which the registers will be get, env The environment which will be modified
stat_a2string [Debug]
Deserialize ASM statements stat The ASM statement, indent The initial prefix of the line
stat_a_block2string [Debug]
Deserialize block of ASM statements block The block of ASM statements, indent The initial indent of each line
stat_c2string [Debug]
Deserialize C statement stat The C statement, indent The initial prefix of the line

type2string [Debug]
Deserialize type t C type of variable

updateVarInContext [GenericAbstract]
Update an existing variable in a context and returns the new context vn The name of the variable, value The value of the variable that we want to set, context The context, env The environment

var_id [GenericAbstract]
The last id used in an environment
verbose [Options]
Do we have to print backtrace when an exception is encountered

widening [SpecificAbstract]
The widening function which ensure termination of lfp a1 The first abstract domain, a2 The second abstract domain
wideningOnEnvironments [GenericAbstract]
Apply widening on two environments by applying the widening to all the abstract domains of their ids.
withoutLocs [Options]
Do we have to hide locations in the printed version of the program
withoutWidening1 [Options]
Do we have to remove the widening and to compute the lfp by enlarging abstract domains
withoutWidening2 [Options]
Do we have to remove the widening and to compute the lfp by excluding cases and then join all the cases