Module Utils

module Utils: sig .. end
Utilitary function in order to achieve static interpretation

Utilitary function in order to achieve static interpretation
val minmax : Z.t list -> Z.t * Z.t
Return the minimum and the maximum of a list. Primitive recursive function.
Raises Failure If the list is empty
Returns The pair made of the minimum and the maximum of the elements of the list
val notBoolExpr : Types.bool_expr -> Types.bool_expr
Apply the not function to a boolean
Returns The boolean expression on which we have apply a not
val addLocationsProgram : Types.global_statement list -> Types.program
Adds locations to an unlocated program
Returns The program located
val removeLabelsProgram : Types.loc * (Types.global_statement * Types.loc) list -> Types.program
Remove the labels of the program and replace them by the locations associated
Returns The located program with the labels which have been replaced
val invMin : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
Returns the inverse of the minimum where a et b are already inversed
Returns min(1/(c, d))
val invMax : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
Returns the inverse of the maximum where a et b are already inversed
Returns max(1/(c, d))
val removeCVariables : Types.abstrContext -> Types.abstrContext
Remove the C variables from a context. Used when we jump in another function and that we have no clue on the variable stack
Returns The new context
val getLocationNumber : Types.loc -> int
Return the number associated to a location
Returns The number associated
val getRegNameVar : Types.reg32 -> Types.name_var
Return the variable name of a register
Returns Its name